Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Slam Jam X Nike Air Force 1 - Optical Force
Nike offers the Optical Force in yellow and black wrinkled patent leather complimented by a white swoosh and mid-sole/sole. Release is scheduled for September 20th

"Not Guilty"

O.J. Simpson and his attorney Yale Galanter Clark County arrived at Regional Justice Center on Monday in Las Vegas, Nevada. According to CNN Simpson announced to the judge firmly "NOT GUILTY". He was accused of kidnapping and armed robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers. I dont know blogger world this isnt the first time he's been in the hot seat. I feel this could give a negative output on the African American community espically the males. You Decide.

I thought it was Funny ......

Friday, September 12, 2008

Matt Damon goes hard on Palin LOL

"If your a republican u might not want to read this. Then again u might. I totally agree with Matt Damon and his opinion on Palin. What background or history does she have that gives her opportunity and right to become a possible Vice president. Or Maybe should i be asking, "Do we want to leave the nuclear codes in the hands of a hockey mom?". You decide.

7 Years And We Haven't Forgotten

More than 2,700 people killed on September 11, 2001. Democratic U.S. Presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) and Republican U.S presidential nominee Sen. John McCain payed tribute together to those who passed, in New York City.